
Hey there!

I’m X Almendarez and this is my nth attempt on a blog. Hopefully I post something that might interest you.

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog!

Geez, a serious website! What have I gotten myself into? I barely have time for anything and I pick one of the most time consuming hobbies there is...

What’s I do have time for, though, is to travel and to eat. So that’s what I’ll be posting here, along with some random stuff that is in my sphere of interest. I’ll be posting some travel content from way back to start the ball rolling but I’ll be working on this to make this site current.

I have a couple of trips lined up and I’m quite excited to just go and disappear there for a while and hopefully document my adventures on this site afterwards. So there, hope to see you again soon. X

Korea 2017 Video

Korea 2017 Video